Monday, February 2, 2009

Women just L-O-V-E!

February is the month of "Love". And since this is a blog for women, I thought we would discuss women (go figure). I consider myself a strong advocate for women. I have a heart for women's issues. Their pains, their concerns, their interest. In just the last few months I have developed a deep love for the women at WABC. I feel it's important that women connect, share, get along and love each other no matter what. My hope for the women of WABC is that this year (and many years to come) we will create a strong bond among the women who enter into the door's of WABC. WABC should be a Safe Haven for women from all walks of life. Let's continue to share in one another hopes, dreams, celebrations, sorrows, tragedy's and triumphs.

Several women that I know posted this video on their websites and I wanted to take the time and share it with you. We as women have so much to celebrate. It's past time that we ladies stop the hating (life is too short)! We are not just role models for our daughter's, but also for every women we come into contact with (regardless of age, race, size or shape).

God created each of us for a special purpose and plan which did not include tearing one another down. Let's make a commitment in 2009 to be more like Christ (the women God has called us to be). Love one another, care for one another, nurture one another, share good godly wisdom with the young ones that will come up behind you. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1st Corinthians 13:4

Now don't get me wrong, there have been many times when I have not been that compassionate, loving, caring women that God has called me to be (God is still working on me). I have two beautiful daughters that I love more then life itself, and my hope and dream for them is that one day they will leave behind a legacy of love. I remember every day that they are watching me. They see what I do right and when I do wrong. Ask yourself who is watching you? What lesson are they learning from your actions, or lack there of? But more important then that, is the fact that God is watching me. He not only see's what is on the outside, but he knows my true heart (what's on the inside). It's time to turn the table's upside down ladies.....let's all just LOVE!